İzmir Culture and Tourism Magazine is 5 years old
Izmir Culture and Tourism Magazine, which we publish on behalf of İzmir Governorate Culture and Tourism Directorate, is 5 years old!
The cocktail to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Izmir Culture and Tourism Magazine, published bimonthly in Turkish and English, with the purpose of promoting İzmir's cultural and touristic assets locally and internationally, has taken place in the historical Havagazı Factory with a large participation.
Deputy Governors Celal Ulusoy, Cumhur Güven Taşbaşı, Hüseyin İşler, Hasan Hüseyin Can, Karşıyaka County Governor Sadettin Yücel, Selçuk Mayor Dr. Dahi Zeynel Bakıcı, Menderes Mayor Bülent Soylu, İzmir Culture and Tourism Director Abdülaziz Ediz, ETİK Board Director Mehmet İşler, İzmir City Council President Güman Kızıltan and representatives of the tourism sector participated in the cocktail that was hosted by İzmir Governor Mustafa Toprak.
"A prestigious, high calibre magazine"
İzmir Governor Mustafa Toprak gave a speech in the cocktail, expressing his happiness to see that İzmir Culture and Tourism Magazine has come a long way in the past 5 years.
Describing İzmir Cullture and Tourism Magazine as a “prestigious magazine with high calibre”, Governor Toprak continued, "I am fully aware of the contributions of İzmirCullture and Tourism Magazine to İzmir's richnesses, tourism, values, and their promotion in the local and international arena. In this respect, I would like to express my great appreciation to Mr. Özer Kestane, as the Director of the Renkli Kalem Medya Grubu agency, members of the advisory and editorial boards, and the team who prepared the magazine, as well as everyone who contributed.".
İzmir Culture and Tourism Director Abdülaziz Ediz spoke as follows: "İzmir Culture and Tourism Magazine, published with the purpose of promoting the historical, cultural, natural and touristic assets of the 30 districts of Izmir in the local and international arena, celebrate its 31st issue, after continious 5 years. Our magazine sets a succesful example for many Turkish cities.
We believe wholeheartedly that our magazine, which have reached to this day with the moral support of the public, as well as the material support of İzmir’s business world, tourism sector, local governments, and you fellow residents of İzmir, will continue its journey as succesful as before.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who supported our magazine with their opinions, articles and ads, and to those who joined in our celebration and encouraged us today."
Following the speeches, the people who contributed to İzmir Culture and Tourism Magazine were awarded with plaquets